Opening up public access to the Glenroy Flood retarding basins

Melbourne water has been consulting on opening up access and improving some facilities of three retarding basins in Merri-bek’s northern suburbs: Jack Roper Reserve/CSL; Campbellfield Creek; and Box Forest Road retarding basins.

As part of facilitated site tours by Melbourne Water on March 23 we visited Jack Roper Reserve flood retarding basin, Campbellfield Creek flood retarding Basin And Box Forest Road flood retarding basin. Timeline for delivery is 2-5 years.

Both Jack Roper Reserve and Box Forest Reserve retarding basins do flood mitigation on the Merlynston Creek (See Merlynston Creek from source to confluence). Campbellfield Creek once was a tributary of Merlynston Creek with the old water course in the Fawkner cemetery still visible, The water now plundges into an underground drain at Box Forest Road where it is piped to meet the Merri Creek at the bottom of Fawkner.

Jack Roper Reserve: link path formalised under the M80 to provide a better link. Outside Gym and nature play area, plus water fountain near Morley street. Some landscaping. This already hasd the Western Ring Road trail passing through on the embankment. Concreting the path under the M80 to the Reserve in Hume municipality formalises a well defined desire line gravel track already being used. The gym equipment should use tan bark for a base, rather than the rubber base often used which produces microplastics as it wears, contributing to microplastics in Merlynston Creek.

Campbellfield Creek Retarding Basin. This will have a loop track about 1km on the outside. Path down into the wetlands with a bird hide. Some revegetation. Access points discussed but include from Sages Road and the north side from the Cemetery, perhaps on the west side Cemetery. The wetlands has kangaroos and birdlife. Kangaroos were seen in the wetlands area and further north in the cemetery while we were there. Needs signs about don’t feed the kangaroos. The biodiversity and habitat values are important to preserve and enhance here. Paths should be nominally designated shared use allowing cycling. Discussion on restricting dogs to on lead only or ban them.

Box Forest Retarding Basin: At the moment Merlynston creek flows through in a concrete channel. Plans are to turn this into a series of wetland ponds. Fencing at Box Forest Road discussed. This had the most interest. Paths should be nominally designated shared use allowing cycling.

All sites require signs warning that these are flood retention basins and water levels can rise quickly. There needs to be directions for safe and fast exit.

Great to see Melbourne Water Opening up these flood retention basins and adding some park infrastructure and extra landscaping providing public use of parklands while their essential function is still maintained.


The following submission was made to Melbourne Water:


Melbourne Water – New Green spaces in Glenroy

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